
EHS Research

Expand and increase impact of EHS research at TAMU

Facilitate exchange of ideas and experimental approaches

Foster multidisciplinary collaborations that lead to high-impact discoveries

Identify common exposure and disease interests

Research Cores

Produce world class research in a variety of 

Provide assistance to investigators at every experimental stage

Offer state-of-the-art technologies, expert consultation, and comprehensive training programs to Center members

Organization promotes interaction among Center members to

Community Engagement

Disseminate data related to factors that influence environmental conditions, both currently and with climate change

Develop collaborative, participatory-based, green-infrastructure focused prevention and intervention strategies

Support adaptive capacity in communities during acute environmental emergency events in environmental justice communities

Utilize citizen science for community engagement to identify disparities among environmental conditions and suggest potential policy solutions


The vision for the Texas A&M Center for Environmental Health Research (TiCER) is to nucleate environmental health research and translational activities of investigators around the overarching theme of “Innovative solutions for addressing exposure-stressor interactions with a focus on underserved populations in urban and urbanizing areas” in the state of Texas. Overall, the Center will expand the established investigator base and expertise in cross-cutting environmental health science that can be deployed to increase the impact of environmental health research change in Texas and beyond.

TiCER’s Goals

AIM 1: Expand and Increase the Impact of Environmental Health Research at Texas A&M

Center members will be organized around four thematic areas to facilitate exchange of ideas and experiment approaches, identify common exposure and disease interests, and promote cross-disciplinary synergies among members that lead to new collaborations and higher impact discoveries.

The four thematic areas are:

  • Stressors to responses
  • Environment and metabolism
  • Climate change and health
  • Environmental justice and policy

AIM 2: Enhance Research Capacity, Integration, and Translation

The Center will facilitate research across mechanistic, individual, and inter-individual scales by integrating a set of Facility Cores that bridge technologies, capabilities, and expertise across the Texas A&M campus.

AIM 3: Recruit and Mentor Promising New Environmental Health Investigators

The Center will champion the recruitment, mentoring, and career development of new investigators in environmental health research through a multi-faceted program that spans career stages, from new investigators to emerging leaders.

AIM 4: Promote New Investigations in Environmental Health Research

The Center will promote new, innovative research directions and research motivated by community and stakeholder concerns that originate from individual investigators or cross-disciplinary teams using a robust campus-wide Pilot Project Program.

Pilot Project Program (PPP). The overall concept of the PPP is to promote the Center mission by stimulating new investigations to expand the footprint of environmental health research at Texas A&M. This will be achieved by funding outstanding and innovative environmental health research projects. It is expected that these projects will address the major thematic research areas of the Center, attract new faculty into environmental health research, facilitate collaborative teams, and promote investigations into community and stakeholder environmental concerns. The PPP will also serve to encourage interactions among Center members, use of Facility Cores, and participation of young investigators by integrating them into the Center.

AIM 5: Create an Intellectual Atmosphere that Connects Stakeholders and Researchers

The Center will identify and educate Center members about community concrens and translate discoveries back to communities and other stakeholders to support the translation and application of research findings to inform decision-making at individual, community, and policy-making levels.

Leaders from the Center’s four thematic areas, two Facility Cores (Translational Research and Data Science), Community Engagement Core, and Pilot Project Core will form a Program Committee responsible for Center programming. The Program Committee will ensure integration across Center activities, track Facility Core usage, and evaluate benefits to Center members and stakeholders. The Program Committee will be advised by an Internal Advisory Board composed of institutional leaders who will provide direct access to upper institutional administrators, and by an External Advisory Board composed of international leaders in environmental health research, technology, and community engagement who will ensure the Center’s mission remains focused on “Innovative solutions for addressing exposure-stressor interactions in underserved population in urban and urbanizing areas in the state of Texas.”

Apply for TiCER Membership

The Texas A&M Center for Environmental Health Research (TiCER) facilitates the research closely related to “Environmental Health Sciences“.